And that I can lead others to their journey of self knowing and freedom
Where intuition and action become inseparable
3 minute read
I’m Danielle and I love quotes and warm hugs.
See? We aren’t too different after all. In reality, we are technically all one in the same, but that’s a topic we absolutely will get around to for sure, eventually, inevitably.
But for now, it’s quotes.
I know you love them, because you’ve spent hours scrolling through google or Instagram looking for just the right one to give you whatever you or someone you love needed at the moment… clarity, reassurance, guidance.
If you’ve never been a scroller, then you’ve turned to music, books, or maybe even a movie that scratched the same itch.
Words connect us.
They comfort us.
Guide us.
I used to dream about building up a mental bank of golden nugget quotes to use to get myself or other selves through certain moments, but I have found that much like anything else, the ones that we need find us. And they stick.
While I plan to share my personal sticky nuggets in time, I am going to start with the one that has made it obvious to me it needs to be shared… So much so that I put a pause on coaching, built a website, and decided to pour my heart and soul into a blog.
It is at the core of what I believe to be one of the pillars of success, where success is defined as self-knowing to the extent where we are free from suffering and death. Two of the most promised experiences on this incarnate Earth.
The quote lives alone, taped to my computer and reads like this: “You can tell a lot about a person by the questions they ask”
I know… it seems a bit anticlimactic, but that’s just the point.
Even though it would be much more theatrical and entertaining to have an Avenger, Terminator, or Archangel Michael himself paint a clear picture of our salvation… It all lies in our hands
Well, technically it lies in our ability to navigate curiosity, but you know what I mean.
And if you don't… take it from Einstein: “I am not a genius, I am just curious. I ask many questions. and when the answer is simple, then God is answering.“
And that, my friends, is the purpose of this blog space. Discovering what questions to ask and how to surf the noise in order to uncover the simple answers with ease, which will bring us to a state where intuition and action become inseparable.
"...the true art of questioning is to discover what the pupil does know or is capable of knowing” (also Einstein)
As humans, everything we see, experience, or feel in this life is a catalyst for us to remember the answers that have always been inside of us, guiding us to our personal infinite potential.. In other words: everything around us is a compass to living in heaven on earth.
We just need to ask the right questions.
…Which brings us to the puzzle piece to connect everything full circle: your naturally existing intuition.
You are gifted with it. I know you are because you’re here. My hope is that my word vomit acts as one catalyst in your toolbox to polish and fine tune that intuitive foundation and get you pointed towards the right questions to start asking yourself that will lead you closer to freedom.
This space is protected by my energy and that of those who choose to welcome it into their personal universe. My energy and soul purpose is heavily rooted in health and growth - spiritual, emotional, and physical. Here, you can expect to find the deepest workings of my mind regarding all these aspects. We will explore why the world is the way it is, why we are here, the energy spectrum of this planet and how to use both positive and negative ends to our advantage. We will explore the systems, structures, and habits of life we all experience, fight, and strive to build and why. Whether you’re a fitness lover or not, this will also be a space to learn the most primal and proactive approach to a healthy lifestyle - while the information will be geared towards advanced lifters, this gives beginners an edge. Most of what is on social media is inspirational fluff to target “pain points” of an uneducated audience - here you will save years of your life by learning the core blocks to turn you into the powerful being you are. From the inside out.
Lastly, welcome.
While I am slightly anxious to literally put my heart and soul out there, it is an honor to do it in the presence of those who feel connected enough to be here. YOU are my “why”. You always have been.
I’ll properly introduce myself in the next post. For now, I think you have enough about yourself to work through, and some questions to sit with.
See you.
Love you back.
This is all coming at just the right time. 🤍