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Intro1: Fire in mirrors


Updated: Jan 26, 2022

on listening to the universe, seeing my reflection in others, and exploring my voice & purpose that has always been.

To infinity and beyond

I am here because I have been told to be. And at this point, I entirely trust the Universe, no matter how much fear or questions I have.

I have literally had people come up to me and tell me they see my true heart and light and that I will be the savior of my generation. Lol wut. I thought they were crazy until it kept happening. First by a woman who was was kidnapped and held at gunpoint in the middle of the woods only to have the gun jam, and then again ten years later by a man who was repeatedly raped and never told a soul until he shook my hand. Of course I had to be bombarded by more signs before I began to see what it all meant though. I would have dreams where my ancestors and angels were with me in the dark before I was lifted by molten golden light that exploded through me and woke up with ringing in my ears that slowly faded as I realized my feet are on this earth. It wasn’t until I hit one of the lowest points of my life (and lord knows we have seen so many new lows lol) where that ringing came back and consumed me when I was awake. I thought I was going to pass out but had never felt so consumed by warmth and energy in my life. I found myself on my knees as I saw everything connected as ONE and wept. Like, literally wept.

For as long as I could remember, I have gotten signs from the Universe telling me this is where I would end up. I’ve been told to write poetry and songs, blogs, and books. I’ve been told to become a high paid coach. I’ve been told to create and sing and be me as a means to guide and empower others to be them. Reflections sending smoke signals to other reflections.

So here I am, with the intention to use the gifts I’ve been told I have, and the cards I have been dealt to do what I finally see clearly that I am here to do.

Connect and reflect.

As humans, we are all silently begging to be led and since the ways I respond, and the things I create in each time in space are colored with my current reality, I know I have been called to lead through creating and connecting. As I become more and more the person I truly know myself to be, I can’t help but notice everything else around me growing just the same. I believe we are all doing our best as we experience this meat suit human journey on a flying rock together while we look into others as a means to truly find ourselves. The infinite self that exists in us all. We are all connected, and if we are all made of the same stuff that makes up the galaxies and stars, then we are burning fires.

They say that stars don’t shine, they burn. Well, I am excited to burn my light in all the ways that best reflect myself and every other self I find myself connected to.

Here’s to Introducing "me". The cumulation of systems built through the conditioning of my complex upbringing, history of truths, and also the current embodiment of who I see myself as in the future. Who I am in the moment.

Creating a reflection.

Love you.

See you.

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